Paying Off Your Credit Cards: A Get Out of Debt Plan
Getting out of debt requires more than just simple willpower.
Most people will need to go a step further: coming up with a
plan to make sure that they will be able to permanently retire
their debts.
First and foremost, you need to prioritize your debts. The
biggest factor here is probably going to be interest rates. What
is going to cost you the most to keep going as a debt? Most
likely your credit cards will be the highest interest rates, and
you need to pay these off first. If you can move the debt to a
lower cost card, do it. Lower monthly payments means more money
to pay off the principle on your debt. Bank loans will probably
be at the bottom of your priority list. These don't usually cost
you as much, and you can afford to wait on paying them down.
Second, you need to budget. Controlling your costs is the key
to making sure that you can have enough money every month to
make a payment. Cut out the frivolous purchases you make - how
many times are you going out each week? What do you spend your
money on? You need to know these things, and you need to limit
yourself to a couple of "treats" per month.
Third, stick to the plan. Set a specific amount that you are
going to pay down every month, and then do it. If you let
yourself start to slide, you'll never be able to stay with it.
Make sure that you have monthly goals - they can be your
benchmarks, and they can make you feel good about accomplishing
them. That will help keep you going for the next month.