Credit Card
A credit card offers just that -credit, the right to borrow
funds from a lending institution. When you make a purchase or
withdraw cash (usually called a cash advance), funds are drawn
from your "line of credit." You pay back the amount you borrowed
or "charged" each month, or carry over to the next month
(revolve) a certain amount that was borrowed and you are
assessed an interest charge.
You are then responsible to pay the interest charge as well.
Credit cards carry a brand logo (e.g., Visa, MasterCard,
American Express, etc.) and are accepted by participating
merchants. When you use your credit card, the transaction
requires a signature.
Review the best credit card offers available at www.easy-approval-cr
By contrast, ATM cards let you withdraw money from your account
when you make a purchase. Secured credit cards are essentially a
combination of the two. They look like a credit card, but you
must first deposit money with the card company. The amount of
money you deposit becomes your credit limit.
Choosing the right credit card for
you can be too easy. Unless you live in a cave without mail,
Internet or phone service, you are probably on the receiving end
of dozens of credit card offers every year. Some of these offers
may look like good deals but have attributes hidden in the fine
print that make them a bad choice. That is why it is always
important to research the best credit card offers available for
your situation.
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