Iron Thread is a Powerful System for Achieving Health and
Iron Thread is a complex of exercises developed by Shaolin
Temple monks during centuries. Practicing Iron Thread exercises
Shaolin Temple monks achieved amazing results in Kung Fu and
became invincible fighters.
However, besides the fighting aspect, Iron Thread is a powerful
health improvement method. With the help of isometric exercises
and breathing techniques, Iron Thread fills all internal body
organs with Qi energy and increases internal body reserve. As a
result, organism rejuvenates and keeps its strength and power
even to deep old age.
The basis of Iron Thread consists of 12 "Arms-bridges": Tan
(hardness), Zhou (flexibility), Bi (compulsion), Chzhi
(straightness), Fen (division), Din (fixation), Tsun (instant),
Ti (raise), Lju (abandonment), Jun (movement), Chzhi
(suppression), Din (correction).
Besides, you should use the contrary factors. Using Qi, the
life-giving spirit power, you increase physical forces. Pay
attention to the waist and kidney defense. Breathe loudly so
that your breath got particular features like for instance joy,
anger, grief and gaiety. This is quite that what differs this
single combat style from others.
I consider that the most complicated thing in Tiet Sin Qigong
mastering is the respiration itself and regulation of Qi as well
as sound utterance and internal power application. If the
above-mentioned items are performed badly, you will get no use
or can even harm yourself.
Practicing Iron Thread, it is necessary to remember always one
important rule to avoid health damage. It is strongly prohibited
to do these exercises with breathing stop. In normality, Q
energy circulates together with blood through whole organism and
supports regular function of all internal organs.
When you perform force exercise with maximum effort, a powerful
surge of Qi occurs. With breathing stop, Qi energy also stops
circulation and accumulates in certain vital organs, which
causes their damage.
That is why fatal cases often occure with weight-lifting
sportsmen. Blood excess (and Qi excess too) rises to brain and
causes cerebral hemorrhage. The heart and other organs can be
damaged as well.
Therefore, it is essential to be very careful practicing Iron
Thread exercises and not to do them as isometric, i.e. with
breathing stop. In spite of the fact that the exercises are
performed with isometric exertion, the hands go forward slowly
and simultaneously with exhalation.
In the interval between exhalation, the short limited inhalation
takes place. As a result of such breathing, Qi (and blood as
well) circulates freely throughout the whole body without any
side effects.
On the contrary, Iron Thread is very useful for those with weak
health or suffered serious illness. Hung Gar Kung Fu history
mentions about quite a number cases when weak health people
started practise Iron Thread and not only recovered the health,
but, in addition, became famous Kung Fu masters and lived until
deep old age.