Pluck Away- You'll Raise Some Brows
With a little care, you can have beautiful and elegant looking
eyebrows with just a little weekly or biweekly maintenance to
keep them looking their best! Here are a few tips to help you
with eyebrow maintenance. If you have long hairs it is perfectly
okay to trim them with manicure scissors, as this type of facial
hair removal is preferable over plucking. The best time to pluck
your eyebrows is after you get out of the shower as your pores
are open and it doesn't sting quite as much. Remember not to
pluck too many hairs as holes will appear in your brows.
Remember to take a good look at the root area of the hair before
you yank.
One rule of thumb, especially if you have small delicate
features, is to not over pluck your eyebrows as you want to
remain as natural looking as possible. You may want to consider
laser hair removal or some type of facial hair removal
technique. If you have an athletic build, delicate brows will
just look plain silly. Keeping them thicker and well- manicured
will go a long way, so use your best judgment. Well-shaped
eyebrows are something you should strive for especially if you
have small eyes. It is a great way to help you make a statement
without the extra color around the eyes that will make them look
even smaller.
A lot of ladies enjoy having their eyebrows waxed. It is a good
idea to find an expert in your local area and gain confidence in
their abilities, especially when it comes to permanent hair
removal. Waxing can have some drawbacks, such as actually
leading to in-grown hairs. A good way to get around the
potential of ingrown hairs is to cleanse the brow area with a
toner immediately after waxing, or when you arrive home, use
cleansing grains to exfoliate the area so that hairs are not
trapped beneath the surface of the skin. If you are blonde,
tinting of brows is sometimes necessary. Remember that you
should look for two shades darker than your actual hair color.
As far as brunettes are concerned, never tint your brows black
as it looks too severe. Choose a color in the brown tones. In
closing, remember to not ignore your brows, because a little
maintenance goes a long way to improving your looks!
By Terry Price- Remember to visit
ir-removal.html for other articles and information on eyebrow
care hair removal, electrolysis and more. If you have some
questions on laser hair removal or permanent hair removal this
site will answer them.