Corns - A Small Hiccup On Your Feet And Hands
Even though our feet and legs are very important part of our
being but it is always sidelined and step motherly treatment is
given in comparison to other parts of our body. But many do take
care of their feet due to which it remains beautiful.
Corns can be very painful and annoying. They are toughened area
of the skin which becomes very thick and does not have any
sensation even with the continuous pressure. It does not have
any life threatening qualities but just an infection which can
be caused by wearing the wrong kind of shoe.
It can be found on top of the toes and fingers and even on your
palms which becomes very thick. Most of these problems can be
caused by the shoes one wears. If the shoes are uncomfortable
then the skin in the need to protect itself builds up corns and
calluses which is hardened and very thick layer of skin.
If you are already facing health conditions then these corns
could cause problems to you. A diabetes patient would face some
problems if corns surfaces on their hand or feet. The
circulation of blood is less which causes more problems. There
may be chances of complications which can be avoided.
It cannot be treated that easily and they appear tender in the
middle and then it is surrounded by yellowish dead skin. If you
take proper care of your feet then you won't be facing many
problems. Squeezing your shoes in small shoes can cause pressure
to your feet. High heeled shoes can also cause problems. Proper
socks are also important.