Health - Preventing / Slowing Hair Loss
Hair Loss
For men one of the scariest things for them to experience is
hair loss. Not only does hair loss tell a guy that he is getting
old, but hair loss can make a person believe that he is less
attractive and this causes him to have less self esteem. While
normal hair loss is due to genetics usually passed down in the
genes there are now great ways to combat hair loss and even
regain a full head of hair. Here are a few tips on combating
hair loss
If you started to lose your hair, contact your doctor and make
sure that your hair loss is due to genetics and not to a
deficiency or illness. If your hair loss is due to genetics
there are a few treatments that you can try from topical
solutions to a prescription pill that will slow down and regrow
some hair.
Minoxodil is a drug that is in Rogaine. Rogaine can be purchased
at a drug store without a prescription. It is applied to the
scalp twice a day. Rogaine has the ability of slowing or
stopping hair loss and regrow your hair back. Results vary but
some men do see a difference especially on the crown of the head.
Propecia is a prescription medication that affects the chemistry
of your body and slows hair loss, it is also proven to regrow
hair. While more effective than Rogaine, Propecia does require a
prescription and is not the magic bullet.
So if you want to stop hair loss consult your physician and talk
about medical treatments to stop hair loss