"New Disability" Website Launched at http://www.NewDisability.com

Med Services Europe announced the launch of "New Disability" (http://www.NewDisability.com) a website dedicated to products for the disabled community. According to Dr. Gene Emmer, President of Med Services Europe, the goal of New Disability is to be a platform to advance the commercialization of assistive technology. "We want 'New Disability' to be a meeting place where members of the disabled community can discuss product needs and opportunities" Explained Dr. Emmer. "One of the central parts of the website will be a discussion forum where everyone interested in the topic of products for the disabled will be invited to participate. We hope that by offering an open forum where people can share ideas and suggestions, we can facilitate the progress of the industry. For example, if someone has a suggestion for an exciting product for the disabled community, Med Services Europe can help them to bring it to the market. There will also be the opportunity for people who have had a problem with a disability product to leave a comment. The website administration will then follow up and, where appropriate, will take contact with the product's manufacturer."