Epileptics are Special.
Have you been diagnosed as epileptic? Are you a family member,
or friend or partner of someone who has? Please be reassured.
There have always been people with epilepsy. Since the
dawn of time, epilepsy has affected millions of people, from
beggars to kings. It is one of the oldest conditions of the
human race with a rich and distinguished history.
The earliest references to epilepsy date back to the fifth
millennium B.C. in Mesopotamia, where epileptic auras,
generalized convulsions and other aspects of what these ancient
people called "the falling disease" were recorded with
remarkably accurate descriptions.
Ancient people thought epileptic seizures were caused by evil
spirits or demons that had invaded a person's body. Priests
attempted to cure people with epilepsy by driving the demons out
of them with magic and prayers. This superstition was challenged
by ancient physicians like Atreya of India and later Hippocrates
of Greece, both of whom recognized a seizure as a dysfunction of
the brain and not a supernatural event.
On the other hand, epileptic seizures have a power and symbolism
which, historically, have suggested a relationship with
creativity or unusual leadership abilities. Scholars have long
been fascinated by evidence that prominent prophets and other
holy men, political leaders, philosophers, and many who achieved
great-ness in the arts and sciences, suffered from epilepsy.
Aristotle was apparently the first to connect epilepsy and
genius. His catalogue of "great epileptics" (which included
Socrates) was added to during the Renaissance. Only people from
Western culture were included, however. So strong was this
tradition that even in the nineteenth century, when new names of
"great epileptics" were added, they were rarely chosen from
among people in other parts of the world. Working from this
biased historical legacy, the famous people with epilepsy that
we know about, are primarily white males.
But what about this so-called "epilepsy and genius" connection?
Certainly, most people with epilepsy would not consider their
seizure disorder as something which enhances their natural
According to Dr. Jerome Engel, Professor of Neurology at the
University of California School of Medicine and author of the
book Seizures and Epilepsy: "There is no evidence... that either
epileptic seizures or a predisposition to epilepsy is capable of
engendering exceptional talents. Rather, the occasional
concurrence of epilepsy and genius most likely reflects the
probability that a common disorder will at times afflict people
with uncommon potential."
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