Yuck Acne!

Girls Have you ever been embarrassed to leave your home without wearing makeup because your face is completely broken out? And guys have you ever been afraid to ask a girl out on a date because your face erupted in pimples? Thanks to dermatology advances over the years there are many over-the-counter herbal and prescription acne treatments available to help lessen and stop break-outs. Acne is a common infection of the skin that causes the inflammation of the pilosebaceous units. These units are made up of a sebaceous gland which is connected to a follicle that contains fine hair. When there is over-activity of oil glands at the base of these hair follicles acne occurs.

Some characteristics of acne include black heads white heads pimples and cysts. If a person leaves his or her acne untreated or attempts to squeeze and pop the pimples scarring may occur. Acne mostly occurs in adolescents although some people are prone to adult acne. It can be found anywhere on the body but is mostly found on the face upper back and chest where pilosebaceous units are most numerous.

Doctors who study and treat acne conditions are called dermatologists. Dermatologists do not know the exact causes of acne but they do know that an increase in hormones called androgens in boys and girls during puberty cause the sebaceous glands to become larger. When this happens acne forms. Pregnancy genetics environmental factors such as pollution and menstrual periods are all also triggers of acne.

Acne treatment is often sought to avoid scarring of the skin. It is also sought to give a person more confidence and a better appearance. People with severe acne can take prescription medication given to them by a dermatologist. Oral antibiotics make up many of such prescription medications taken for the problem.