Protecting Your Teeth With Antibacterial Chewing Gum?

As many as 15 percent of U.S. soldiers have suffered from dental emergencies while on duty. In response, army scientists have developed an antibacterial chewing gum that contains a protein called KSL. Kills Harmful Bacteria KSL kills harmful mouth bacteria, such as streptococcus mutans. It works by targeting the cell membranes of bacteria in the mouth. Also Digestible Unlike other antimicrobial chewing gums and mouthwashes on the market, however, researchers say KSL is digestible; it is broken down by enzymes once it reaches your stomach. November 11, 2005 Dr. Mercola's Comment:Dodging bullets and defending your country doesn't leave much time for dental hygiene,which can be a big problem for soldiers in the field. But chewing gum laced with a protein that works like an antibacterial isn't likely tobe an ideal solutioneither. Aside from being exposed to needless and unknown antibiotics, chewing gum is no sensible answer to keep your teeth clean. Most people don't realize that the very act of chewing is part of the digestive process. That is why your parents told you to chew your food. Simply swallowing good-tasting convenience foods in a few gulps is part of the reason why processed foods are so bad for you. They don't allow you a long enough time to chew them. Chewing your food actually stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes in your pancrease and acid in your stomach to help you digest. When you chew gum you are needlessly causing the stimulation of these digestive processes. If there is no food to digest you can actually cause problems. This is one of the reasons why chewing gum is not a very good idea. Additionally,the simple act of chewing gum increases the release of mercury from anysilver amalgamfillings you may have. Although scientists tout this product's many recreational uses outside combat, let's hope they recognize the problems inherent in this antimicrobial gum before it ever has the chance of harming anyone's health. The key to avoiding cavities is to eat the foods your body was designed to eat and stay away from the ones that harm your body. This is the entire basis of the Total Health Program.