Stuttering Therapy Course
There are many types of therapy for stuttering available these
days, in this article I describe life after overcoming a
stutter. I hope you enjoy the read.
My name is Steve Hill and I had a speech impediment known as
stuttering from the age of four. The stutter continued to have a
damaging affect on my life for eighteen years. At the age of
twenty-two, I had had enough and started looking into different
forms of stuttering therapy. In the end, I formulated my own
stuttering cure techniques and after nearly a year of practice
and dedication, managed to overcome the stutter.
I was then able to order food and drink for example, without the
fear of stuttering, speak on the telephone with confidence and
am able to enjoy going out with my friends and family on social
occasions. I have become a much happier and positive person,
life which was once a struggle is now a pleasure. I now
appreciate my new found fluency and am talking far much more
than I ever did in the past. I have even been accused of talking
too much, but this is something I will never apologise for as I
am sure people will understand.
A few years ago I met my present girlfriend, Sharron, who has an
eleven-year-old daughter, called Taryn. Together we have a son
who is five years old, called Ethan.
During the years when I had the stutter, I always accepted
second best. I left school because of the stutter, dated girls
which to be truthful, not only did I not feel attracted to, but
did not particularly find interesting and certainly did not
love. My stuttering mind convinced me that I could do no better.
I was unhappy where I worked, but just accepted it; I did not
feel able to put myself through the interview process again.
I now only accept the best and my life has improved tremendously.
In general, what fluency has given me is:
1. Confidence 2. Happiness 3. Contentment 4. Optimism 5. Success
6. Relaxation