Is There Any Difference Between Organic, and Pasteurized Milk?
Organic milk now accounts for more than 3 percent of all milk
sold in the United States.
But it also has an annual growth rate of 23 percent, while
overall milk consumption is dropping by 8 percent a year. Milk
is a "gateway" organic food -- one of the first organic products
a consumer will buy.
Access to Pasture
While organic milk must come from a cow not fed artificial
growth hormone or pesticide-laden feed, they might have had only
token "access to pasture," meaning they could still have spent
most of their milk-producing lives confined to a feed lot. And
almost all organic milk is still pasteurized, which can destroy
vital nutrients.
Difficult to Find
However, finding raw, unpasteurized milk can be difficult; in
most states it can be sold legally only on the farm or through
clubs in which people buy shares of a cow and divide the milk.
New York Times November 9, 2005 Registration Required
Dr. Mercola's Comment:While organic milk consumption is still
small, its growth indicates that peopleare becoming more aware
of all the hormones, pesticides and antibiotics theyare exposed
to by merelydrinking pasteurized milk.
When it comes to dairy products, one of its most important
characteristics is that it is produced from cows that are nearly
exclusively grass-fed. Most cattle are factory farmedand fed
large amounts of grain. Since cows were never designed to eat
grains this can cause a host of complicationsthat seriously
degrade the quality of the milk they produce.
While organic milk may be free from hormones and other harmful
contaminants, it doesn't guarantee the cows producing it are
grass-fed, meaning the milkmay havelower levels of important
nutrients such as conjugated linoleic acid.
And, as the article notes, organic milk is still pasteurized, a
destructive process that changes the physical structure of the
fragile proteins in the milk and distorts them into proteins
that can actually be harmful to your body.
Additionally,theprocess virtuallyeliminates any good bacteria
normally present in the milk.
Your best source for milk is to find a local farmer who sells
raw milk near you. I have seen so many patients improve their
health after switching to raw milk, I believe it is one of the
healthiest foods you can consume. It has more nutrients, more
health benefits, and tastes better as well.
If you have no luck finding a raw milk source near you, you'll
probably locate one by visiting the Real Milk Web site.