The Purpose of Plate
We tend to sit down for a meal when we are hungry, or at least
that is what we say. There are several reasons people eat
besides the growling of our stomachs. We may be hungry because
there was no nutritional value in our previous meal. Or, we fill
a plate to fill an emotional void, or we are just plain bored.
There is a purpose for food beyond the fact that it tastes good
and provides a sensual pleasure for the palate. If we don't eat,
our biological mechanisms will fail, so it is a basic matter of
survival. It is a wonderful side-benefit that we have taste buds
that can enjoy the survival experience! While searching for
things that taste good, remember that the functions and
mechanisms of our body thrive on whole food nutrition.
The foods we consume greatly impact our bodies. For example, you
feel a little sluggish in the afternoon, so you grab a candy
bar. Your energy spikes and for a while you feel great, but then
comes the inevitable crash when your blood sugar levels drop
again, leaving you to feel worse than when you started!
Mind and body are directly affected by our daily and cumulative
food choices. The reason that whole foods are a much better
choice than processed foods is because processing removes
nutrients - the very reason we are wired to eat in the first
place! You will see foods labeled "enriched" and "fortified",
which means artificial nutrients have been added back in.
Has "artificial" ever been better than the wholesome original?
In order to regulate your mood, your immune functions, and your
nerve and muscle responses, choose the route of whole foods. To
help fulfill the purpose of your plate, you can't go wrong with
food in its natural form. Food out of a laboratory is about as
appealing nutrition-wise as airplane or hospital meals!
There are balanced, nutritionally sound ways to keep your body
feeling on course, which can also please the palate. If you are
coming from a daily nutritional regimen that has included fast
foods choices, frozen dinners, and bags of snacks, you may
relate to what happens to a lot of people: you crave
"home-cooked meals", and are tired and bored with going out to
Some people fear that in switching over to a whole foods-based
diet, it won't taste good. While there may be an adjustment
period for your palate, you will soon find that when you taste
food in its natural state, you won't want to go back. Have you
ever reduced sodium in your diet? After a few weeks, if you grab
a bag of chips, it will taste incredibly salty to you, and it
overwhelms your taste buds. In whole foods, there is no need to
overwhelm - your palate is quite capable of enjoying the
subtlety and richness of natural-state foods!
Remember the purpose of food, and base your daily dietary
decisions on nutritional common sense.