Telling a Child They Have ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)
Recently my husband and I decided it was time to tell our son he
had ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder). The reason for this was
because he's more mature (just turned 13 years old) and very
soon he'll be starting high school. We felt it better to come
from us than through someone else.
He was told during a private father and son discussion, away
from distractions.
As parents we've reinforced to him that he doesn't have a
disability, just a different way of processing information and
viewing life. He exhibits minor smatterings of this disorder and
medically, he's totally fit and healthy and has never been on
medication (though this had been suggested).
We often re-affirm how smart he is and discuss with him the many
different types of genius each person has. In his case, it's the
amazing cartooning style he has and his black and white sketches
and although totally colour blind, his paintings using colour
are also unique and beautiful.
I recently asked his permission to write about him and ASD as my
intention was to write how we dealt with this as a family, and
that someone else might also benefit from it. He kindly gave me
his permission and here's what he says:
I don't really understand things - I look around and see what
everybody else in class does but I can't understand what's going
on (in maths class).
I get very upset and stressed with myself and feel stupid with
what's going on around me in class and I hate myself for it.
I always suspected that there was something different about me.
It was confirmed when my parents finally told me.
I feel good that I've been told, but not good about the ASD. Now
I feel more stupid and dumb as well as disabled.
The fact is I fall under ASD but I would rather know than not,
it explains why I have difficulty with certain things.
Dad could've told me in a different way about the ASD, he
should've just got straight to the point. He (dad) told me in a
roundabout way as did mum and I'd rather have been told more to
the point and then had it explained to me more.
It makes me angry when I tell other children about the ASD
because they think I'm joking and say there's nothing wrong with
me. It's sort of good to know they don't believe me because it
makes me feel more normal.
ASD makes me angry because I have to deal with the fact I have
When I think, I move my fingers, it clarifies things for me.
I really need help with mathematics.
All I want now is to become very intelligent.
Flowers essences have helped me to calm down, release stress and
to think better.
My advice to other parents of ASD children is to give them more
attention, not just from the parents but also from teachers.
Give them extra tuition with subjects they have trouble with,
and tell them there's nothing wrong with them, they just think
What we did that worked for us:
Never making idle promises. When he was very little and
something had been promised it became his reality, when the
promise didn't eventuate all hell broke loose;
If old fashioned parenting didn't work, something new was tried.
Yelling and screaming makes things worse not better;
Set firm boundaries which were explained and why, and then
enforced them;
Willingness to try new/alternative health therapies, I've tried
many, some with great success;
Turned to brain exercises by visiting a brain gym