The Many Causes of Hemorrhoids
Stated simply, hemorrhoids are caused by an increase in pressure
on the veins in the pelvic and rectal area that causes blood to
pool or collect inside them which in turn causes them to swell.
A slight increase in pressure causes the irritating itching
sensation which affects most people. This itching sensation can
go away by itself if the underlying cause is temporary and not
too much pressure has been placed on the veins. However, if the
pressure continues to increase, the tissue will continue to
swell, which in turn will stretch the surrounding tissue and
more serious hemorrhoids may develop. The slight itching
sensation will turn to a more prevalent burning sensation and
spots of blood will start to appear on bathroom tissue after
bowel movements.
Bathroom habits are a primary cause of most common,
uncomplicated cases of hemorrhoids. Such habits are usually
temporary, do not cause undue damage to the tissue and will
disappear by themselves or with a few simple treatments.
Some of these habits are:
Rushing to finish eliminating fecal matter. When rushed, the
common impulse is to push harder to move the fecal matter
through the large intestine faster. While saving time, this
practice puts more pressure on the veins and tissues than normal
and can cause them to swell or even rupture.
The temporary onset of either diarrhea or constipation, or one
followed by the other (which is common), can place undue
pressure on the veins and tissues again causing them to swell or
burst. If the condition clears up quickly, little damage will be
done to the anal cushions and the condition should reverse
itself naturally. However, if the condition persists, even over
a relatively short period of time, the damage to the veins and
surrounding tissue can become quite pervasive and require more
extensive treatment.
Hard, dry stool. This is primarily a function of diet however
the condition may be caused by a variety of factors not the
least of which is a common side affect of a whole host of
medications prescribed for numerous ailments. If left untreated,
even if the symptoms persist intermittently, the condition can
lead to a sever case of hemorrhoids.
Other factors that can lead to the development of hemorrhoids
Heavy lifting. Especially if one is not used to hard physical
labor, a sudden increase in physical activity, such as helping a
friend move large objects, or lifting heavy items alone, can
cause an immediate onset of hemorrhoids. This condition usually
leads to the painful itching sensation brought on by the sudden
increase in pressure to the area. It usually subsides, if not
too serious, by itself, in a matter of days as long as no more
heavy lifting is done. The sensation has been unceremoniously
described as having the feeling of having something resembling a
stick inserted into ones anus.
Obesity. While causing a variety of problems in and of itself,
obesity can place increased pressure on the pelvic veins
especially if the increased weight is carried predominately in
the abdomen and pelvis.
Pregnancy and delivery. In addition to the commonly regarded
hemorrhoidal aftermath of delivering a baby due to the increased
pressure on the anal area while pushing the fetus out of the
womb, simply being pregnant causes changes to the mother's body
which increases the blood flow to the pelvic area and relaxes
other tissues while the constantly enlarging fetus causes
increased blood pressure on many blood vessels in the area.
A variety of medical conditions and a similar variety of
treatments have as one of their side effects conditions which
can cause or set the stage for an onset of hemorrhoids. For
example, heart and liver disease, treated over a long period of
time can cause blood to pool in the abdomen and pelvic area,
enlarging the veins and can create the pre-conditions necessary
for an onset of hemorrhoids. Similarly, many of the medicines
used to treat common illnesses have as one their many possible
side effects, conditions that can cause hemorrhoids to form much
more easily than otherwise.
Tumors in the pelvic region or tumors whose position in the body
can cause an increase in blood pressure.
Infections in the anal canal. Any interference with normal bowel
movements can place increased pressure on the anal cushions
which in turn can cause them to swell. In fact, an infection in
the area can mimic the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
In most cases hemorrhoids occur infrequently, cause little
discomfort and disappear with modest treatment. Furthermore,
even in more serious cases, treating the underlying causes,
stopping the constipation or the diarrhea, adjusting the
medicine, improving the diet, etc., can make even stubborn
flare-ups disappear quickly leaving little long lasting effect.
However, some people struggle with hemorrhoids for long periods
of time, unable to make them go away completely except for short
periods of time, unable to stop the itching, burning sensations
and discomfort for a variety of reasons. It is important for all
hemorrhoid sufferers to recognize their condition and do
whatever they can to alleviate the symptoms and prevent
flare-ups. For others, hemorrhoids may be a necessary
complication that cannot be 100% controlled but at least may be
minimized to whatever extent possible.