What You Need To Know About Herpes
There are many different kinds of herpes but the main difference
between them is where they are on the body. For instance the
most talked about kind of herpes is genital herpes and these are
guess where: on the genital area. Millions and millions of
people in the United States have herpes and you do not have to
be promiscuous in order to get them. It only takes having sex
with one person to get this herpes disease.
The best way for you to protect yourself against getting genital
herpes is to avoid sexual contact. Abstinence is your best way
to avoid herpes from happening to you. You can get herpes from
any sort of physical contact, this includes vaginal, oral and
even anal sex. DO not think that one way is safer that the other
because it is not, not when it comes to herpes.
There are other ways for you to avoid getting herpes, for
instance you need to have protected sex when you are sexually
active. It does not matter how well you know your partner you
still need to take steps like wearing condoms to protect
yourself against herpes as well as other diseases.
Herpes is much more contagious when you are in the middle of an
outbreak. Many times a herpes sufferer will be able to tell when
an outbreak is coming simply by the way that the area feels.
Herpes outbreaks are often preceded by tingling or stinging
sensations in the genital area. Avoid having sex when you feel
these symptoms or when you are having a herpes outbreak because
there is a much greater chance of spreading herpes to your
partner. Just because you can spread herpes easier in an
outbreak this does not mean that this is the only time that your
herpes is contagious. Even when you are not having an outbreak
you could be contagious so always have protected sex that
includes the wearing of condoms when you have sex. For more
information you can visit http://www.herpesinfosite.com.