Vitamins for Kids
Do your children need to take vitamin supplements?
That's a question that more parents ought to ask of themselves
or the doctor before they start pumping kids full of
over-the-counter supplements that may or may not be conducive to
good health. Although it may seem like a good idea to feed your
children all the extra nutrients you can get hold of, the truth
is that a simple vitamin formula is not enough to keep your kids
healthy, and it not a good idea to rely on a supplement of this
type to do the job of a balanced diet and other health-oriented
lifestyle practices.
Some doctors prescribe vitamins for babies or toddlers if the
child is not developing properly or there is suspicion of anemia
or another disorder that could interfere with proper nutrition.
Since most pregnant women take prenatal vitamins, a majority of
babies are born in a healthy state as far as nourishment goes.
Generally, only children with health conditions that impact
nutritional intake need a vitamin supplement. Of course, that
decision is best left to the doctor.
If a child does not eat properly because a balanced diet is not
provided, it is the parent's or guardian's responsibility to
provide the right food daily to make sure kids get all the
nutrients their bodies need for health and growth. Children who
are picky eaters need to be trained to sample a variety of
possibilities from the five major food groups. Toddlers may go
through phases where they eat less than before, but they usually
get over it pretty quickly and are soon ready to eat balanced
meals again. Life-long fussy eaters should be encouraged to find
healthy substitutes for the foods they dislike most, and learn
to eat those that are indispensable. A vitamin supplement may
not be needed for any of these situations, unless your doctor
recommends it.
Another reason kids may need vitamins is during a prolonged
illness or recovery period, or in the event of a chronic
condition. Situations like these can attack a child's immune
system and create all kinds of problems. That's why it is so
important for kids to follow a healthy diet most of the time, so
when they do become ill, their bodies will have the strength to
fight it off. At times like this, a vitamin supplement may come
in handy. Children being treated for serious illnesses with
medication that suppresses their immune systems may likewise
benefit from vitamin therapy.
Some children's vitamins come with minerals and iron. Check
with your doctor to see if iron is a good idea for your child,
as some kids get too much of it, which can build up and create
another type of problem. Kids must be taught not to take
vitamins like candy, but rather to treat vitamins like medicine
and follow parental directions about when to take them.
Prescription or over-the-counter vitamins can help to improve
kids' vitality and overall health. Ask your doctor whether your
children ought to take a vitamin supplement.