A Review of Ecoquest Air Purifiers
Ecoquest markets a product developed by Alpine industries. The
Ecoquest Air Purifier comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Their middle sized unit is called the Breeze AT. The next size
up is the Classic and their new flagship product is the Fresh
The prices for the Ecoquest Air Purifiers range from $400 to
close to $900. This seems like an outrageous amount for an air
purifier until you compare a few key options. Just one Ecoquest
Air Purifier can purify the air in a home or office up to 3000
square foot. Some name brand competitors can only purify rooms
of 100 to 300 square foot at an average cost of about $200 per
unit. You may need more units at a cost of $200 per unit to
actually clean the air in your whole house compared to one
Ecoquest unit that can do the whole house.
Applications of an Ecoquest Air Purifiers meet or exceed those
of other name brand air purifiers according to my own personal
test and those of 2 of my assoicates. The Ecoquest Air Purifiers
remove toxic mold and mildew, eliminate dust mites, remove toxic
odors, eliminate bad odors and reduce allergens in the air like
pollen as wells as eliminating second hand smoke.
In my home application I put the Ecoquest Air Purifier into a
room with 2 pieces of antique furniture that I purchased at an
auction. To my dismay I found out after the pieces were
delivered that they came from a home littered with too many
cats. The furniture had a terrible odor from cat urine. A friend
suggested I take the Ecoquest Air Purifier into the room, shut
the door and let it run on full blast for a day or two. At this
point I was willing to try anything to salvage my furniture.
After 3 days the antiques stopped smelling and were moved into
my home.
Another friend of mine had 3 name brand air purifiers in their
tiny 1000 square foot home. They tried an Ecoquest Air Purifier
and expressed to me their immediate satisfaction. Their house no
longer sounded like a wind tunnel. Their daughter who suffers
from terrible allergies was sleeping easier at night. The name
brand units were put into the garage and they gladly paid the
premium price for the Ecoquest Unit.
Another associate has expressed to me that they can't live
without their Ecoquest Air Purifier. She suffered from
migraines. Her children suffered from allergies and her husband
snored so loudly that it kept her awake at night. Upon
installing the unit and adjusting the settings she found that
after a week the children were no longer on allergy medications,
her husband's snoring had stopped and she had not had a migraine
since the unit was installed.
There is a school of thought that the ozone technology used in
the machine could be harmful but that theory has not been
proven. All in all if you weigh the pros being top air
purification and odor elimination vs the cons being the price of
the unit I think the Ecoquest Air Purifier is a valid option for
home air purification.