NEW Sprouted Flax Powder Form Omega-3
"New" Sprouted Flax
To overcome these problems is to sprout the seed. Sprouting
biologically activates the seed resulting in these changes:
Increased enzyme activity making the flax bioavailable for
better absorption of nutrients.
1). Increased Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid.
2). Increased Lignans.
3). Increased Vitamin C, E and Choline.
4). Increased Folic Acid, Biotin and Beta-Carotine.
5). Stability at room temperature for one year.
6). Better ratio of soluble to insoluble fibre.
Traditional Flax Flaxseed contains natural inhibitors that
prevent the body from taking advantage of the flax nutrients.
These are:
Protein inhibitors to prevent the digestion of protein. Amalyse
to prevent the conversion of carbohydrates to glycogen, which is
required to prevent muscle cells from using protein as an
emergency energy source. Phytic acid which inhibits absorption
of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc.
Benefits to Athletes
Increased uptake of oxygen. Improved recovery time. Natural
anti-inflammatory. Does not increase body fat. Improves Omega-3
to Omega-6 balance. Excellent source of natural protein,
vitamins and fibre. Relieves and reduces injury to joints and
tendons. Overall increased feeling of health and well-being.
Flax Oil: Weighing the Pros and Cons All flax products are good
for you. However, some are better than others. There is no doubt
that flax oil is an excellent source of Omega-3 Essential Fatty
Acids (EFAs). Flax oil does not contain important nutrients like
lignans, fibres, vitamins, protein, and enzymes.
Did you know... To get the lignans in 1/8 cup of Sprouted
Flaxseed you would have to eat on of the following:
100 slices of white bread 60 cups of broccoli 41 lbs. of
strawberries 45 lbs. of cabbage 6 lbs. of wheat
HEALTH CANADA has established a recommanded daily intake (RDI)
of EFA's that specifies the optimum minimal intake of Omega-3s
for children and adults is approximately 800 to 110 mg per day,
and that just 10 g of "NEW" Sprouted Flax Powder each day will
give you your RDI of Omega-3s.