Asbestos Related Mesothelioma Cancer : Blood Test
Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma is a malignant disease to take a
lot of lifes each year, many people concentrate their effort in
to know o find out a cure for this disease, and in other
economic aspect of the asbestos, such as money compensation.
However, last researches to point out that a blood test could
help screen for pleural mesothelioma by checking the blood for
high levels of a protein called osteopontin, because blood
esteopontin levels rise dramatically in the early stages of
pleural mesothelioma, this kind of cancer is a deadly asbestos
related illness.
The pleural mesothelioma is a rare disease of the lining of the
lung and chest cavity that is usually cancerous, the cause is
asbestos exposure and it could take 15 to 35 years to develop
the disease, from the time of asbestos exposure.
The above exposure can be direct with the substance or
second-hand with a family member whose clothing or skin carried
the asbestos into the home. Obviously in the last case the
development of the disease could take more than 35 years.
To say, the pleural mesothelioma was so difficult to detect its
in early, high mortality rate and a life expectancy of few
months, but with the new blood test there are higher percentage
of probabilities to detect this kind of cancer, moreover its can
detect or determine other kinds of asbestos related cancer. But
in the letter case the findings need further study, other kind
of cancer to could be early detected for osteopontin blood test
is for instance "Ovarian Cancer".
So, the earlier to pleural mesothelioma cancer is detected, the
better and if you want to know how to do it, a blood test could
be very useful in this case, and don