Antacids: The Truth About Antacids

Antacids. I'm sure you know of someone who suffers from heartburn on a regular basis and takes antacids like they're candy. It might even be you. Most people think the answers to all their stomach problems can be resolved by taking over-the-counter antacids. In reality, their digestive problems typically stem from low stomach acid, very few digestive enzymes, and huge meals that were not chewed well enough. These meals cause food to sit in the digestive tract longer than they should. As a result, food ferments, causing gas and bloating when it is not properly digested. As gases rise and reach the esophagus, they cause pain in the chest that some say feels like a heart attack. Too much gas causes the valve that keeps the stomach contents out of the esophagus to stretch. This spills acid into the esophagus, causing the stinging sensation other wise known as heartburn. Taking an antacid medication may temporarily ease the burning sensation since it reduces stomach acid. When this is done, improper food digestion occurs, and then ferments. Then the whole problem starts all over again. By using antacids to control stomach acid, the stomach compensates by providing more acid. Below I have outlined common ingredients in antacids and their effects on our body. Please read carefully through them. It is amazing that, especially if taken in large doses, antacids can be harmful to your health! Aluminum salts: These salts interfere with the absorption of phosphates. This can lead to constipation, loss of appetite, weakness, and bone damage. Aluminum salts can aggravate patients with Alzheimer's disease, kidney disease, those who are dehydrated, and those with certain bone disorders. Calcium salts: In excess, calcium sales can cause constipation, urinary tract disorders, headaches, mood changes, muscles weakness, and nausea. Sodium bicarbonate: This has a laxative effect. Sodium bicarbonate can also affect blood pressure and cause swollen feet and legs. In addition, antacids can interfere with the absorption of vitamins and medication, especially antibiotics. Antacids that contain magnesium can be dangerous when given to people who have a kidney disease. It can also be dangerous for those who suffer from dehydration. I have read that antacids block the vitamin B12...the most vital vitamin for the human brain. Researchers believe that the lack of vitamin B12 in the brain may be one cause of Alzheimer's disease. If indeed you have osteoporosis or are at risk, or if you are a child, you should never take antacids. I am in the process of putting out 10 proven tips that will reduce your heartburn within a very short period of time. I too have suffered from years and years of agonizing heartburn and it is my pleasure to share these secrets to you. Until recently, I learned the truth about antacids and some proven methods of curing heartburn. Lets face it, if you are going to settle for treating heartburn instead of curing it, you'll be wasting your money! This method of treatment will bring absolutely no long term effects and a possibility of esophagus cancer could occur. In our next newsletter, I will discuss 10 techniques to conquering heartburn. Get your free subscription to Healthy Revelations newsletter and be on the cutting edge of topics such as health, nutrition, & weight loss. Gain insight on issues that'll be sure to enhance your life! Go to To view more Quality Articles by Colleen Palati, go to This article was auto-submitted by the author with ease using: