ED Drugs & Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Misuse of erectile dysfunction drugs is prevalent everywhere.
Its growing popularity is witnessed by a rise in its abuse.
Everybody wants to give it a try to satisfy their curiosity
attached to it. To control this negative trend which has
resulted in an outburst in sexually transmitted diseases (STD),
federal health officials met in late September to focus on
education efforts surrounding the drugs and their possible link
to an increase in HIV infections through high-risk sexual
activities. The three prominent erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs
like Cialis, Levitra and Viagra are linked with substance abuse
among gay men. Ever since its arrival in the market, these drugs
have been immensely popular with men. Most of the time it's used
for treating ED but occasionally, it has been used for
recreational purposes as well. Young population uses it without
any medical reason. They mostly want to feel the reaction of the
drug after it enters the body. As a result, they often get
indulged in unprotected sex which can result in severely dreaded
STD like HIV. STDs are mostly associated with unprotected sex
and an onset of these diseases can prove very fatal to our
health. Study indicates that Viagra has resulted in unsafe sex
in various cases. Unprotected sex normally happens in accidental
encounters when the sexual act is not a planned one. This sort
of unplanned sexual escapades can bring along hordes of disease
in your life. Normally gay men with erectile difficulty opt for
unsafe sex with their male partners after consuming Viagra. A
proper erection attained by using the wonder pill inspires them
to achieve all their hidden sexual fantasies and desires. Though
a good sex life indicates good health but unprotected sex can be
a dangerous thing to do. So opt for safe sex to protect yourself
from STDs.