Breaking Out of Shells
A few years ago, the cover of a prominent religious journal
showed a picture of a chick just having burst out of its shell.
Many people wrote to that journal to say that it was not a
religious enough picture for the Easter edition. But what could
be more relevant and religious than a small creature having
grown and strong enough breaking free of the shell which had
housed and protected it while it grew and had given it strength
in the struggle to be free but which had now become a
restriction to further growth. Is there a shell you need to
break through today? Old negative habits?, out of date and
restrictive belief systems?, your comfort zone?) Sometimes these
shells are caused by physical limitations, sometimes emotional
limitations, sometimes spiritual limitations and sometimes a
combination of any or all three. The fertilized egg begins to
develop a baby chick. By positive inner action, growth and
development, the chick begins to grow. It begins to pick at its
shell until at last it breaks and the chick is free. We have
within our mind the ability to grow and develop beyond what we
may have thought possible. By your mental unfolding, and with
the help of hypnosis, you can leave your hurts, disappointments
and failures behind and break through your shell into a brighter
more positive future. Think again of the chick breaking out of
its shell: a soft, helpless chick begins to pick at the fixed
and rigid limits of its world and keeps picking until those
limits give way and it is able to stand erect and free. You may
have seen a butterfly working hard at releasing itself from a
cocoon. Again, it does not give up until it is free and the
struggle is necessary to strengthen the butterfly's wings for
flight. Without this strength it could not fly or survive. If a
little chick can break through such a tough shell...if a tiny
butterfly can break out of a cocoon....then you can break
through your perceived limitations and restrictions and fly