Ground Teen Drivers

What is the best thing that parents can do far as helping young drivers drive right?
What is the best thing that parents can do far as helping young drivers drive right? Have them take drivers education? No.

Make sure they have a good running car? No.

In my view parents need to have rules for their young drivers and be willing to ground them from the car for along time if they do not go by the rules. Sorry young people but as that saying goes you will thank your parents someday.

One of the rules I think you should have is that your teen driver cannot have more than one other teen with them in the car without an adult.

In my state of Nebraska State Sen. Nancy Thompson introduced a bill that would have kept 16- and 17-year-old drivers from carrying more than one passenger, except for family members. The measure died in committee.

It was Thompson's second unsuccessful attempt at getting the bill passed. I hope it will be her last fruitless effort.

It is even more sad that the bill failed because there was A terrible and needless May 9 car crash that killed three teens, coupled with this week's indictment of the 16-year-old driver on three counts of felony motor-vehicle homicide.

In my view all states should have laws about how many under age people can ride with a teen driver. If your state does not have such a law I encourage you to help make one law.

However this does not take away the job of parents like I said parents should have rules for their teen drivers and if the teen does not go by them ground them from the car and yes your kids might not be happy with you but I rather have my kids upset at me than them hurt or killed in a car crash.

About the Author

Billy Dickson is a youth worker and writer.He writes about issues to do with our culture as he sees what is taking place in the Christian and secular world.In all that he writes his goal is to be a MAD Person. MAD=Make-A-Difference.