Acne Treatment Scams Revealed
Wouldn't it be nice to have clear acne free skin and not have to
worry about waking up to yet another bad skin day? Of course it
would. And many low moral internet marketers know that's what
you want too - you're easy money to them.
They know that they can sell you a useless product with the
promise of smooth, clear skin and the guarantee that you can rid
yourself of the psychological pain that acne causes . They want
you to believe that their "latest breakthrough" or "miracle herb
from the rainforests of South America will give you results
beyond your wildest dreams - the sad truth is that it's highly
unlikely that you'll get any results at all.
How do I know this? Because I've tried just about every product
and guide out there, I need to tell you straight that 99% of the
products available are completely useless and 99.9% of the
people selling them are complete frauds. Of course, there are a
few exceptions.
To cut to the chase, I contacted every internet site selling
acne "cures" that I could and told them I was either interested
in buying their business or acting as a distributor (obviously I
can't go into too much detail about what I actually said to them
otherwise they'll work out who I am). As soon as these people
thought they were going to get a big deal out of this that would
make them rich they were unbelievably willing to spill the beans
on what they really thought about what they were selling. The
results were shocking to say the least.
One owner boasted to me that he knew full well that his
information product (a guide to acne treatment at home) was less
than useless but that most customers were too stupid to go
through the complicated procedure he had set up for them to
receive a refund.
Another told me that there was nothing in the herbal formula
that she sold that could in any way clear acne, but she knew
that acne sufferers were "so desperate they'd buy anything".
These people are laughing all the way to the bank with your
I don't really want to leave you feeling so negative after
reading this, the good news is that there are several acne
treatment programs out there that really do work. It just takes
a long time to figure out which ones they are.
There is one product in particular that stands out in my mind,
when I approached the website owner (in the way I mentioned
above) they really seemed to believe in what they were selling
and that it could make a difference to their customers.
I think the lesson from all this is - buyer beware. Especially
on the internet where there are many faceless companies fighting
for control of our wallets and purses.
All the best in your search for clear skin.
Jason Simons