Five excuses women use for not doing their pelvic floor
exercises - and why they still should!
Many women know that regular pelvic floor exercises are vital
for their long-term physical sexual and emotional health, yet
they still don't do them. There are five common reasons for not
exercising...and five solutions!
1. I don't know how to do them
Read one of the excellent online leaflets or buy a book. Talk to
a health practitioner, a continence nurse, a physical therapist,
or a women's health centre. All of these services are there to
help, but ultimately a woman needs to take the first step for
2. I tried but I can't do them
The "squeeze and lift" technique involved in strengthening the
pelvic floor is a tricky one to master. Even a visit to a doctor
or other health practitioner may not be the answer for many
women. In fact research shows that over 50% of women can't
produce an effective squeeze of the pelvic floor muscles based
on verbal instructions alone.
There are many excellent guides to pelvic floor exercising, both
online and in printed leaflets and books. A number of
well-designed products are also available that provide feedback
and reassurance that the correct squeezing technique is being
used. Remember that successful exercising takes practice and
persistence, and be kind to yourself while you learn.
3. I've done them in the past but they didn't make any
Done properly, pelvic floor exercises will always improve the
strength of even the most untoned pelvic floor muscles. But many
women find it hard to do them regularly enough and for long
enough, and then become discouraged when they don't seem to see
a result. Experts agree that a pelvic floor exercise program,
involving daily exercising, must be followed for at least six
weeks before any difference becomes noticeable. Twelve weeks is
the usual minimum for an effective result for most women.
But the exercises also need to be done properly. Dr Arnold
Kegel, who developed the concept of the pelvic floor "lift and
squeeze" exercise technique in the 1950s, never intended the
exercises to be done on an empty vagina. Somewhere along the
way, his message has become distorted and many women are told to
do just that, causing them to feel they have failed when their
exercising doesn't result in any improvement. Research has
clearly demonstrated that most women benefit from using an
exercise device, such as perineometers, vaginal balls, and
So the solution is simple: choose the best device, commit to
giving the exercise program the time it deserves... and there
definitely will be a difference!
4. I don't have the time
It's true that women find it hard to fit in time for themselves
in their busy lives, but it's possible to make it easier. Women
who use simple tricks such as setting an alarm clock to signal
daily exercise time are much more likely to stick to their
program. The amount of time that's needed varies according to a
woman's existing pelvic floor fitness. Women who are time-poor
but have low levels of pelvic floor fitness can use products
such as vaginal weights, which can be worn for 20 minutes a day
while undertaking normal household activities.
Women who can already successfully contract their pelvic floor
muscles but are seeking to build higher levels of fitness will
need to set aside specific exercise time to use a perineometer.
But they can also supplement their dedicated exercise time, by
doing squeeze and lift contractions throughout the day. Exercise
can become part of a daily routine, with women reporting that
they squeeze and lift whilst waiting at traffic lights, whilst
talking on the phone or standing at the kitchen sink.
5. I've never heard of them
Some women, particularly older women, still say that they've
never heard of pelvic floor exercises. It's true that humans are
not born knowing how to exercise the pelvic floor, and it is not
a part of the body that is challenged during day-to-day
activities. So women have relied on finding out at appropriate
stages during their lives, often from those who care for them
during pregnancy and childbirth, and during their menopausal
But nowadays, we are less shy about discussing pelvic health and
we have more understanding of its important. Increasing
awareness of the vital role played by a strong pelvic floor
muscles will hopefully ensure that the message reaches future
generations of women while they are still young.
Read more at Pelvic Floor Exercise.