Skydive To The End
A skydive is an activity requiring a person to break his/her
free fall from a certain height using a parachute.
This is how skydiving is done:
A group of people called skydivers (these people are
professionally trained and should not be imitated under any
circumstances, unless a person has undergone the same kind of
training) meet to perform a skydiving act.
The skydivers pay a base operator to take them up in the sky on
a light cargo plane. To be able to skydive, they would have to
jump out of their aircraft into the sky.
A skydiver usually travels at the speed of 12,000 feet or 4000
meters altitude and free falling from the sky. To help them slow
down their speed in a safer altitude, they would have to
activate their parachute at a certain height.
Once the parachute is open, the thrill of the skydive is almost
finish. But then again, at a high altitude, the skydiver still
needs to get back safely to the ground without hitting any
obstacles like trees, electric post and other tall
The skydiver now is able to control his/her parachutes to
his/her preferred direction.
Speculations to the reason why skydivers skydive is because this
is the sport or activity closest to us humans, being able to fly
at all.
Most skydivers when asked says that in skydiving, they can do
pretty much whatever a bird can do on air, except that they