A Free Card Magic: You Predict a Card Without Even Touching It.
This card trick is very impromptu and can be done with a
borrowed deck. There is no need to practice and no sleights
You predict a card without even touching the deck.
You hand a whole deck to your spectator and tell him to shuffle
it. You then tell him to count 26 cards which is half of the
deck. As he/she is counting, you remember the seventh card. Then
tell him/her to set aside the 26 cards counted. You then write
your prediction to a piece of paper. Next, tell him/her to pick
any three cards from the other half. After that tell him to put
the other half on top of the counted 26 cards. Put the three
cards in a row order face up. Tell him for each card how many
will he add to make it 10. For example the three cards are a
six, seven, and a king. You will add four cards to six, three
cards to seven and zero to king as it is considered 10 together
with jack or queen. You then add the three cards: six + seven +
10 (king) = 27. You then tell the spectator to get the remaining
cards face down and count until the 27th card is reached. The
27th card is the card you predicted.