Anti-Stress Bags
Know someone who is stressed out? Make them an anti-stress bag.
It will bring a smile to their face and be a reminder that
things are not as bad as they may seem!
They are easy to make! Use small baggies to put the following
items in:
- clothespin
- marble
- penny
- paperclip
- eraser
- elastic
- heart (can be cut out from paper)
- quote card (can be handwritten.) We use the following quote
on our cards: "When you find yourself stressed, ask yourself one
question: Will this matter in 5 years from now? If yes, then do
something about the situation. If no, then let it go."
Once you have all the items in the bag seal the bag and attach
a card with the following note on it:
Clothespin - to remind you to hang it up. Keep a balance
between your work and your play.
Marble - to remind you that the world rolls on; don't live in
the past, move on.
Penny - so that you will never be broke.
Paperclip - to help you keep things together.
Eraser - to rub out those mistakes which we all make.
Quote Card - to read on days when you feel overwhelmed.
Elastic - to remind you of your capabilities; don't get stuck
in a rut; stretch yourself!
Heart - to remind you that someone cares about YOU!!!
A simple but effective bag, easy to make, and inexpensive!! They
make great stocking stuffers at Christmas. They also sell well
at craft shows!