Buying Genuine Beanie Babies
With the popularity of Beanie Babies, there is a problem with
counterfeit or copy beanie babies on the market. Some copies are
easy to spot, but some are getting quite clever in their
attempts to sell less than true quality products. To be sure of
only buying the genuine article make sure that the seller can be
easily contacted and try to ensure that they are a reputable
dealer who shows references on their website and feedback from
other customers.
If you are already a collector then you will probably know what
to look for in a genuine article, but if you are not familiar
with the real thing then it is best to seek advice before buying
so that you avoid the disappointment of falling for a replica.
There are many Beanie Baby shows which are a good place to get
the feel for the fabric and feel of the beanie. It is worth
remembering that replicas are usually imperfect copies in more
than one respect, so there may be several tell-tale signs of
being a counterfeit.
The tags are usually the biggest give away for a replica, try to
learn about the different generation hang tags and tush tags and
the way that the information is printed on them and the wording
that is used.
Find out more at BabyBeanieCollectabl