Become a Shark - Pool Tips for a Fish out of Water!
So it's Friday night, and you're out on the town with your
mates. You're well dressed and you've had a few drinks. Isn't
life grand? You puff away on your cigarette, sipping a pint, and
round the pool table considering your next shot. You are keenly
aware of the gorgeous woman sitting at the bar, watching your
every move. Follow these pool rules, and show her that you are
as slick as your slicked-back hair!
Now you may be wondering who gets to break? The traditional way
of determining who gets to break is a method called "lagging".
Both players line up their ball at the head string (the line on
the table). Shoot your ball to the far rail, and bank it
straight back towards yourself without touching the rail you are
standing closest to. Have your opponent do the same. Whoever has
the ball closest to the rail, without touching it, gets to
break. Hitting a side rail is an immediate disqualification.
When you are racking the balls, they should be frozen or
touching slightly. The lead ball must be on the foot spot (the
dot on the felt). The "8" ball must be in the center of the
racked balls. The white or "cue" ball must be located behind the
head string. When breaking, you want to use enough power to
split the balls. Ideally you want to sink a couple balls,
preferably one of either "solids" or "stripes". This way you
have the option of shooting for any ball on the table during
your next shot. If you "scratch", or sink the white ball off the
break, it automatically becomes your opponents turn.
The object of the game is to sink all of your balls before your
opponent, and then sink the "8" ball in the pocket you have
indicated. Take your time and line up your shots properly. Try
not to use too much power when shooting. looks cool
to hit them hard, but it's not exactly cool to miss your shot.
Try to take your easiest shots first, and try not to leave your
opponent with clear shots. Try to use a proper stance when
shooting, and bow your head to be in line with the cue. Your
best bet is to simply practice on your own, before you go out
and play competitively. Be careful playing in bars too, as you
might get hustled. Now be a good sport, go introduce yourself to
that babe at the bar!