Remembering our Family

I feel it is important to make sure our lives are remembered. When there is no story to a picture within ten or twenty years one forgets what really happend, or who the person in the picture is. I have no time for scrapbooking, I am a busy mom. But I need to save my history for my girls, so what do I do? I make books! Yes, books. Real, liabrary bound hardcover, glossy paged books. It only takes a couple hours for each book and my girls love being able to see there own faces on the coffee table. It is such a simple idea, yet it is still so new to most of us. I love helping people on there way to keeping there history alive. Or better yet helping a grandparent be remembered. That is my current progect, remembering my Grandparents for my children. If this idea is interesting to you, sheck out my web page, or e-mail me.