Gemstone Treatments

Though not common knowledge to the public, most gemstones are treated in some way to enhance their color and clarity. An untreated gemstone is a rarity. These treatments are common and widely accepted in the industry and normally do not de-value the stone. Most retail jewelers do not divulge this information to their buying public or they themselves are not aware. If they are a reputable and ethical establishment then they will be honest if queried on the subject. Don't expect this information to be offered without inquiring first. Heat treatment is the most common method used to color enhance gems. Tanzanite, which has become a very popular gemstone in jewelry and to collect is heat treated to obtain that gorgeous cornflower blue color with lavender tones and flashes of red. The rough must be heated to 600 degrees; otherwise, Tanzanite as we know it wouldn't exist. Colored diamonds (which do occur naturally) are irradiated to obtain those most sought after colors of red and blue. Naturally colored diamonds are very, very costly and rare. The