FAQ About Needlework
How should I anchor my floss at the beginning?
Though some people will tell you otherwise, never use knots in
needlework. It tends to cause a bulge on the front of the fabric
when the piece is mounted. To start, hold the end of the floss
on the reverse side and stitch over it with the first couple
stitches. To finish off a strand run the needle under a few
stitches on the back. Avoid anchoring colored threads under
white threads since the color tends to show through to the
front. Trim the tails.
The technique I use is one that I learned from my aunt. Start by
separating one long strand of floss and doubling it over on
itself so it forms a loop at one end. Thread the two raw ends
through the needle. Begin by taking your needle up through the
fabric. Make your first stitch, and go down through the fabric.
Take your needle through the loop. The thread is now anchored
securely, and looks neater on the back.
I have finished a piece of cross-stitch work and now I cannot
get the creases from the hoop out. I do not need to wash it how
can I get them out?
You can damped it and iron it, BUT the floss colors might run
beads might melt or the crease might not come out all together.
Before trying this be sure to take some strands of floss and put
them on a sample of the cloth and dampen them to see if the
color runs. When you iron, use a cool iron on the back of the
design, and put a towel on both sides, never put an iron
directly on the stitches! Alternatively you could go to your dry
cleaners and ask them if them could help with a light steam
iron, but know if the colors can run.
The best way to get them out is to avoid getting them in the
first place. I would suggest that you take the fabric out of the
hoop every time you stop sewing, and move it to a slightly
different place each time. Another option is to place a piece of
plastic wrap between the top hoop and the fabric before
stitching. Then all you just cut out a hole for stitching. This
keeps the hoop from touching the fabric.
3. Can you tell me what is the best way to clean the finished
product? Is it dry clean or hand wash? Or not clean at all?
You should always wash your finished piece because even if it