Heritage Scrapbook Album Themes
Creating heritage scrapbook
albums, or telling your family story, can seem impossible.
Often the difficulty may be in thinking that you have to start
at the beginning, and methodically tell the whole chronology of
your family. Instead, try thinking of your heritage from a theme
standpoint. You can create many albums, with each centered
around a specific theme as it pertains to your family. What do
we mean by themes? Here are some examples.
Military: Create a tribute album of all the men & women
in your family who served in the armed forces. This can be
especially moving if you have ancestors who served in early wars
and family who have served in recent times. Tell a brief history
of their military career with copies of service records and
photos. Of great interest would be tidbits from regimental or
unit histories. If available, be sure to include recollections
or stories about their service. Grandpa always told about his
dad living off of sweet potatoes in the farm fields during the
Civil War. This will personalize the individual to all who see
your album.
Family Recipes: How many great recipes are in your
family? How many have been handed down? Preserve these wonderful
dishes from the past and present in a special recipe album.
Besides the actual recipe, things you can also include are a
picture of the dish and the person attributed with it, any
traditions associated with the recipe, and peoples favorite
memories surrounding it. Just as important though, be sure to
leave room for your descendants to add their future favorites.
Occupations: Create an album of the many ways your
ancestors earned their living. What were their occupations? How
did the events of the day impact them in their work? Include
their picture and any memorabilia or documents. Try to describe
a typical day for them based on the history of the time, for
example, what did a shoemaker, like my 2nd great grandfather,
do. If your family has a business that has been around for more
than one generation, this would be a wonderful history to have.
Geography: No, this is not a test! In times past, many of
our families tended to live in the same community. Clustering is
probably the right word. Although a bit more challenging, create
an album of their residences. Where did they live? In the city?
On a farm? While it may not be possible to show the actual
house, it is possible to get a picture of the location. Include
a copy of a map from an atlas of the time showing exactly where
they lived, along with picture and/or biography of the family.
Again, include stories or recollections if available. As in the
"Occupation" album, describe a typical day for a family in that
time period. What were the major social influences of the time?
I remember grandma talking about the flu epidemic in the early
1900s causing many to be fearful to leave their house.
Potpourri: - Create an album of your favorite women or
men. Tell a bit about them and why they're a favorite. - How
about an album of family traditions, stories and folklore? Don't
worry if they're true or not, preserve them and the people
associated with them. - If you have family reunions, create an
album of them to hand down to later generations.
Don't be overwhelmed... think themes!