Scrapbooking Children's Favorite Stories
Countless memories are built during the formative childhood
days. If there's an excellent means to record them down in some
ways, it'll be scrapbooking.
True, we can't possibly capture every single event, but we can
definitely scrap those more memorable ones onto pages.
If you've decided to scrapbook together with your kid, besides
guiding them with little prompts on the journaling, you'll
probably need some neat ideas to pull in those best memories.
Here's various hot-selling "stories" that you and your child can
scrapbook about:
A) Story of the Birth of Baby
Kids love to read stories about themselves as babies. Having
pages surrounding your child's birth will make him or her feel
how much he or she is wanted by the family.
- Photo of mommy pregnant with the baby. - Who waited for the
birth? - Who came for the hospital visit? - Weight, length,
doctor, hospital details. - Feelings of parents about the birth
of your child. - Funny stories that happened. - Documenting baby
milestones. - What's your kid's favorite bedtime stories? -
Photo of your kid's favorite toys.
As there's a chance that there's no photos taken during the
birth, a good alternative would be to do a page on significant
or historical events that happened on the day or year of your
kid's birth. How to source for such information? Visit to pick up such data.
Another idea is for your kid to do a page on his or her name and
birthday. Record down your kid's feelings about his or her name.
Why did you and your husband come up with such a name? What's
the meaning of the name? Find out what famous people share your
kid's name. Find out what famous birthdays share your kid's
birthday. What's the best birthday party your child had?
B) Story of Family
Family members are among the most influential people that
influence a child during the growing years. Having your child
scrapbook about the family will reinforce the importance of
family connectedness in his or her life.
- What does your child like about each family member? - Does
your girl or boy like being part of the family? Why? - Does your
kid like being the first-born, middle-born, in-between or baby
of the family? - What does your child like about his or her
grandparents? - What are the family chores that your kid handle?
- Does your kid have a favorite pet? What does your child like
about the pet? Get your kid to draw a picture of the pet. -
Funny incidents that took place in the family. - Typical day at
home. What's the daily activities that take place? - List of fun
things your kid did with the family like sporting events,
camping, and picnics. - Favorite family vacations. Where did you
go and what did your kid do? - What's your kid's most memorable
memories about the family? - Record the cultural heritage of the
family. - Suggest that your kid draw a family portrait.
C) Story of School Days
School is where the child will improve his or her fine-motor,
language, art, math, problem-solving, expanding ideas and social
skills. Many unforgettable memories will be formed here and your
child would want to scrap these days.
- Favorite subject at school. Why? - Favorite teacher. What does
your kid like about this teacher? - Describe a typical day at
school. - Describe the items in your kid's backpack. Photo of
those items. - What does your kid like about his or her school?
- Where does he or she usually hang out? - List of fun things
your kid do with his or her classmates. - What extracurricular
activities or clubs do you kid join? Since this is a personal
choice, why did he or she choose it? - Who does your kid usually
sit with at lunch? - Who are your kid's favorite classmates?
What do your child like about them? - What are the memorable
field trips?
D) Story of Friends
Friends are crucial in the development of a kid's growth. By
scrapbooking the theme of friendship, he or she will learn the
importance of friends, and to dwell on the positive aspects of
- Who are your kid's best friends? - What do your kid like about
them? - What do your kids usually do when they are together? -
Where are the places your kid love to hang out with them? Why? -
What are the qualities your kid admire in his or her friends?
E) Story of Dreams
Children has the amazing ability to daydream, imagine and dream
big! You might want to encourage your kid to explore all the
different possibilities. You'll probably have to give more
guidance about journaling future jobs, things they want to
achieve, homes and the lifestyle they want to lead.
- What does like your kid want to become when he or she grows
up? Why? - What are the duties included in the job? - Who are
the famous/ordinary people with the career your kid admires?
Photo of these people? - What are the qualities of the people
with the career your kid dream of? - What kind of home your kid
want to live in the future? Draw a picture of the dream house. -
Does your kid want to be married in future? How many kids your
child want to have? What are the qualities your kid look for in
his or her partner? - List of top ten things your kid wanted
most to do in his or her life. - What does kids imagine he or
she will be doing during free time? - If your kid can have
superpower, what does your kid want it to be? Why? - If money is
no object, what would you child want to do with the money. Why?
These are some of the common themes you and your kid can cover.
There's many more. But these ideas will be a leaping pad to more
Happy scrapping childhood stories!