Feng shui horoscopes
A great tool to help you find out more about yourself.
Chinese feng shui horoscope is based on twelve animals which
represent you depending on the year you were born. Feng shui
horoscope is an ancient reading of people's personalities and
the influences which nature forces have on them. According to
this, each year is represented by an animal and its
Each one of us has a feng shui horoscope animal representing us
according to the year in which we were born. Our personalities
and the way we interact with others will vary according to this,
since the way different animals interact will vary according to
their nature. Each animal representing us is based on
characteristics of the real animal which is applied to the human
The twelve Chinese feng shui horoscope animals are: rat, ox,
tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, cock, dog and
pig. Each one of these animals have a specific personality type,
and you could find many of your own features reflected in the
description of the animal which represents you, as well as you
can find descriptions of the people who surround you through the
animal representing them too.
Besides providing you with information regarding your inner
being, feng shui horoscope tells you about with which other
persons represented by their animals would you tend to have
harmonic relationships and with which others not. Some animals
interact harmonically and some tend to have problems in their
The feng shui horoscope animals can be grouped as opposites.
Each animal has an opposite and they are: rat is opposite to
horse, ox opposite to goat, tiger opposite to monkey, rabbit
opposite to cock, dragon opposite to dog, and snake opposite to
pig. This does not mean that animals which are opposite could
never have an harmonic relationship, but that they might tend to
Feng shui horoscope can provide you with a very interesting
resource of knowledge about human behavior and their
relationships. It is based on traditional knowledge, which has
anciently been consulted in the oriental world. Therefore, feng
shui horoscope is a very important resource to have into account
at the time to learn about ourselves and the way we get along
with others.