Feng Shui Flying Star application.... (Advanced)
Question: Hi,
Could you share your understanding in pairing up the following &
list the pairs in order of most importance/power for
interpreting the flying star configurations:
mountain star, water star, time/earth/construction star,
year/annual star, monthly star, house trigram, personal trigram,
Answer: Howdy,
Go to my links page (part of my Freebies section), and join
either of the Feng Shui e-mail lists, they are the perfect forum
for just your type of questions. Well worth the time and effort.
In regard of wealth, compare the mountain star to the water
star. Is it enhancing it, against it, weakening it, etc...?
Still thinking about wealth, what is the (you call)
time/earth/construction star doing to it during this 20 year
period and also look at the next period. Check the Yearly stars
to see if they may trigger anything. Don't worry about monthly
stars too much, their effect is normally too weak to concern
yourself with.
Do the same things, but this time for the mountain stars in
regard of health and relationships.
Check the pathways into the premises, what is being brought in
at the facing and sitting sides, also at the doorways, simply
use the entry way that has the most positive water star located
there. Look at what energies are being carried through your
premises are they positive or negative? Use an appropriate
Check what energies are being brought into each room, by
shrinking the chart down and placing it centred over each room
so as to see the water stars at the door ways.
Check the front door/main entry door influence, by centring your
chart over the doorway and seeing what water stars are being
brought there from outside (along the path or driveway) and
check how they work together (for, against, etc...)
This is really all a beginner needs to do when looking at the
Flying Stars. Make sure to look at the forms (surroundings)
outside, do they support the stars?
Hope this helps you. Let me know.
Its all good, John Mausolf. Pure Feng Shui Freebies