Do Souls of the Dead Return Back to this World? part II
Barzakh forbids any Return Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu
alaihe wa-sallam) have clearly defined to us journey of the soul
after death and the abode of both, the disbelieving souls and
the righteous souls. This period between the death and the
Hereafter is known as 'Barzakh'. Linguistically, 'Barzakh' means
a veil, barrier or partition between two things. Ibn Abbas
(radhiallahu anhu) defines Barzakh as a Hijab (a partition of
veil). Al-Qurtubi, in his exposition states: 'The Barzakh is a
barrier between two things. It is the stage between this world
and the other world - from the time of death until the time
Resurrection. Thus, whoever dies enters the Barzakh" [See
al-Qurtubi's Tafseer, vol.12, p.150] Once the soul enters the
realm of Barzakh, there is no return for it back into the world
as is clearly known from the Qur'aan and the Ahaadeeth of
Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam). Allah says
regarding the evil soul: "