How Paid Autosurf Programs are Able to Pay so Much :: Autosurf
Paid Autosurf Programs usually pay you a fixed daily
interest on your investment. Most stable programs are those
paying 1% daily. With 1% daily, using the compounding option you
can earn easily up to 1000% in a year. All you need to do
is to buy some upgrade units and surf every day a fixed amount
of sites. This is autosurfing and you don't really need to sit
in front of your computer and watch all those sites, you can
just start surfing and go away. All the process takes less than
an hour daily.
If 1% daily may not seem too much for you, in fact it is so much
that lots of people gave up their jobs for autosurfing. In just
an hour of surfing daily they make much more money. So by now
you should be interested in hour really does it work, how the
autosurf program owners are able to pay so much money to their
The answer will not be as simple as the question. There are lots
of potential money sources for an autosurf owner.
First source of income is members upgrades. A constant stream of
new members and new upgrades is vital to any autosurf program.
Part of the money invested by new members is used to pay the
older members. This sounds too simple and ponzi, but serious
programs should have to do more than that to stay in this
business. Other money sources are needed for a program to
continue running and grow.
Some programs are also investing in other high yield investment
opportunities, including HYIPs and other autosurf programs. If a
program is paying 1% daily, the owner can invest the money into
another autosurf program paying even the same 1% and surf every
day. With the right strategy, using compounding, he can produce
much more than 365% in a year. The same program owner can also
invest in a 12% daily program and that way he will easily
generate enough money to pay the payouts, but in this case the
risk is higher, of course.
Advertising is another very important source of income for
autosurf program owners. All autosurf programs generate millions
of hits and people interested in advertising for their sites may
pay to buy some of those hits. Autosurf programs may also sell
text links and banners displayed in members area or on the main
Some autosurf programs also provide hosting services,
professional design and promoting, also marketing tools and
auctions. The biggest autosurfs sell hosting packages for their
members and there are even hosting companies running autosurf
scripts to bring in more clients. Such sources of income may
provide the owner a serious revenue opportunity.
Few of the biggest autosurf programs have their own payment
processors and online stores. Payment processors take fees of up
to 5% from every transaction. Autosurf program may also take
payout fees which are only supposed to cover the original
payment processor fees, like egold, strompay etc.
Some programs also provide other money making opportunities to
their members, like paid to click and paid to signup options,
matrices and doublers etc. A program with few thousands of
members may earn thousands of dollars monthly with ptc and paid
to sign up features.
Also keep in mind that not all the members surf every day. So
anytime the member doesn't surf the required amount of sites,
more money stays in the program. And in fact almost no one
manages to surf 365 days without a break. People usually go to
vacations for several weeks or just forget to surf and more
money stays in a program.
While the easiest way to keep the program going is to reinvest
the money into other autosurf programs, only multiple sources of
income can guarantee a program's stability. Well organized
programs also invest in advertising and promotion of their
program, they buy ads on other autosurf programs and in search