What is Ecurrency Exchanging?
Electronic currencies such as netpay, paypal, egold, etc. can be
exchanged between one another just like the dollar, yen, euro,
etc. can be exchanged between one another. An age-old problem
with any kind of exchange (how can you assure that you get your
goods after you've handed over the money?) has now been solved.
Currently, there is a demand for merchants that can exchange or
support the exchanging of ecurrency. A fee is charged for the
exchange and that fee could be yours to pocket! This is not a
get rich quick scheme. It is a business. You start off with a
portfolio and you have the option to work your way up to a
console. The way things are currently going, within a year you
could replace most incomes with just the portfolio. There are
options to join for free, but it is best to jump start your
portfolio with at least $50.
If you are already involved in the ecurrency exchange business,
please explore our digot picker, resources, articles, wealth
creation, and guestbook pages.