Profits-Pure and Natural
Profits-Pure and Natural
As men has evolved from the cave area to modern technology he
has ever but so slowly gotten away from the natural elements
that was provided for his very existence.
All over this country people are getting back to the basics and
to the natural way of living. Some are giving up the hustle and
bustle, going back to the simple life, others are eating
healthier , while others still are making conscious efforts in
being careful with what they put on their skin and bodies.
God has given us this planet and the natural resources for our
health and well being. Time after time we buy products that are
filled with harmful chemicals. Sometime we are aware of the
harmful effects, other times we are not. Who can keep up with
our busy schedule. On the label are ingredient we are unfamiliar
with scientific names we even can't pronounce.
Some products claim they are natural, some say pure. But
according to the government only 5% of a substance has to be in
the product to be called pure. Is 5% beneficial to the body?
Others have natural ingredients but are also filled with other
harmful chemicals.
We buy these products to improve our health, looks, etc. One of
the major purchases in the country is beauty and skincare
products. Many products are filled with mineral oil, paraffin
wax, carnauba wax, lanolin, petroleum, fragrances, SD 40
alcohol, dyes and other fillers. Is this what you call natural?
Is this what you call pure? When looking for a good beauty and
skincare regimen look for products with none of the above
ingredients. Some of the ingredients has been mention by
American Medical Association as unsafe and they are still being
There is money to be made with natural and pure products that
really are natural and pure. The potential is enormous. The gate
is alway open. The skincare and beauty industry is a billion
dollar industry. If skincare products are bought and sold why
not get the natural instead of one filled with chemicals for the
same price. Your pocketbook can suffer by continuing using
harmful ingredients or your pocketbook and bank account can
increase greatly with this new wave for natural and pure
products. Pure Profits.