Make Money Online - Defend Against The Latest Scam
First, let's do a little recap'. As I stated in the first part
of the article, "Make Money Online - The Latest Scam Disclosed",
"refund policy scammers" affect the websites that make money
online by selling digital products by buying the product and
asking for refunds, while keeping the product.
Now I will give you some solutions you can choose from. But,
unfortunately, all of them have some bad consequences, aside the
good ones. The best piece of advice anyone that makes money
online can give you is testing.
First, the obvious solution: get rid of the refund policy. This
way you won't have problems with these scammers anymore and you
can continue to make money online without them bothering you.
The bad thing is that this solution might reduce your conversion
rate, but like I said before, test. You might be surprised of
the results and see that the conversion rate stays almost, if
not the same as you had before. This has happened to others.
Next, I will give you some tips to increase your conversion rate
if you decide to go with the no-refund policy and thus help your
make money online business.
One thing you can do to help increase the conversion rate,
sometimes even more than it was before you got rid of the refund
policy, is to place a text just before the order form telling
people that you don't have a refund policy because of these
scammers and you don't want your product to end up on their
hands. This actually worked out great for others and they made
had more sales than before.
Another thing, probably the best, is to use trials for both
software and e-books. For e-books, just give them few chapters
for free and, if they like it, they have to buy it. Some gave
away one quarter of the e-book itself, others even one third.
This is a great way to build up credibility. You can even state
on your sales page, if you use clickbank for eg., that clickbank
reads your e-book to make sure it's all in order before it's put
up on their website. This way you kind of reassure people that
they will get what they pay for and not just those chapters you
give for free and the rest...crappy content.
There is yet another thing, but this, in my opinion, can only be
used by people who already have a rather high credibility on the
Internet (and probably know this already :) ). The thing you can
do is use testimonials instead of refund policy. It works out
great for the majority of make money online business owners.
Another solution people thought was a software to disable the
product in case of a refund. But this might work with software,
but definitely not with e-books, because they can easily be
copied to another text document and, in the end, the scammer
still ends up with it. This solution is still debated, because,
from what I understood, at the moment, there isn't any software
that can't be easily cracked.
Well, that's it. I really hope this will help you make money
online and defend yourself against these scammers in the same