Vending Machines and the Lure of the Instant Home Based Business
If you are considering vending machines as a home based
business here are three very brief facts about vending.
1) Vending machines will start to earn revenue for your home
based business almost immediately.
2) A brand new, high quality machine is actually very
3) Any machine at the right location has the very realistic
possibility of paying for itself well within one year.
These three simple facts are from my 8 years of experience
owning a vending business. I remember the day my first machine
went into a location. It was a cigarette machine and after we
hung it up on the wall in the bar we sat around and had a few
beers. Within 30 minutes after we were done I watched my first
customer walk up to my machine and buy a pack of cigarettes. I
saw the instant cash flow happen, and it was wonderful.
I overpaid for that machine. It should have cost me only
$2,400.00 plus tax, but instead I paid over $8,000.00 because I
dealt with a business opportunity company and they gave me a
location when I bought that machine from them. I can tell you,
there is nothing more satisfying than watching someone put money
into your vending machine. When I watched my first customer buy
from me, the last thing I thought about was how much I spent, my
business was now making money!
I was hooked and it was great. My first location generated a
return for me of nearly $5,500.00 in the first year. That figure
takes into account the commissions that I paid the bar for each
pack of cigarettes I sold in the bar. My sales in 1996 averaged
300 packs of cigarettes per month with a $2.00 margin.
If I had purchased my first vending machine directly from a
wholesaler and found that location myself I likely would have
saved myself over $5,000.00 and paid off that cigarette machine
within the first year.
But finding locations for a vending machine can be difficult and
time consuming. A vending business opportunity company ( Rip-off
Bizop Vending Company ) can sell you a vending machine with a
location for your machine. You