Feng Shui - A Key to Your Success and Happiness
Every day we go into the world to create and make our way, be it
to a job or a business. We enter each day with the attitude of
accomplishment and achievement. However, for most people, during
the day we meet some sort of obstacles or roadblocks. It could
be a customer who changes the scope of the project that you just
completed the night before, the bank who needs just one more
piece of information to complete the loan you needed yesterday
or the guy who cut us off in traffic, caused us to run off the
road and miss the most important business meeting of our career.
We rise to the occasion as each monster rears its ugly head.
Each time, we expend just a little bit more of our energy that
we had planned to use on another objective. By the end of the
day we are usually one, two or even three steps behind where we
wanted to be, worn out and ready to retreat to a place where we
have peace and serenity. This also holds true for our children
today. They encounter as much stress, be it different, in the
their worlds as we adults do. They are stressed by peer pressure
to act and be different than they are taught at home and by
television and the media to become something that they are not.
These stresses can be overwhelming and we are all looking for a
place where we can escape from these pressures. If this
description sounds familiar Feng Shui may be for you.
If everyday was like the one described above and you were not
able to rebuild your energy, you would begin to find yourself
running on reserves, feeling exhausted like you can never get
ahead of the game. Running on reserves can work for a while if
you are still in your 20's and maybe even your 30's but
eventually your reserves can be depleted and you are as the song
goes +running on empty