The Bricklaying Robot
When working on bricklaying you will see that it is an operation
that repeats itself a lot and also is very challenging
physically speaking. This being the case you can imagine that
somebody, someday would have though of a solution, an automated
solution. Also, another problem that appears is the lack of
qualified workers and because of these facts the automated
bricklayer was invented.
The newly designed machine is called the Mobile Bricklaying
Robot and is said to help a lot. It can take bricks from a
prepared pile, will apply material and will lay the bricks in an
appropriate manner. The technology behind it has been developing
for some time now and the prototype works great as reviewer
said. As you can imagine the same robot can not perform all
types of bricklaying unfortunately and this is the big problem
that keeps stopping the project.
Although the problems are many, the robot seems a great
solution. Once completed it will provide companies with a great
solution to decrease costs and even improve the outcome result.
Tests have shown that applying the material is a problem that
has been solved thanks to the use of a simple modified vacuum.
Unfortunately as it seems at the moment it won't be affordable
or simply put not a good solution financially speaking to use it.
Although so far no real use is possible it is a solution that
could be great in the future. What I mean is that in the future
having such a robot will be cheaper than a worker but at the
moment such promise is only real in certain parts of the world
where skilled workers simply can not be found. Soon machines
will replace men in many activities and it seems that
bricklaying will be amongst them.