Think about your Rear, Dear when you are looking for a chair!
There is furniture that is very cool, but if you do not like
sitting on it, I have one question. WHY? My wife and I differ
greatly on this subject. I do not know how many times my wife
has drug me to a furniture store (one of my least favorite
places to go, mind you) to see a piece of furniture that is "so
cute!" Only to get there and see a nice piece of furniture that
is totally useless to sit in. Then a great discussion ensues!
My take on great furniture is that is has to be three things: 1)
First and foremost, It has to be comfortable or it will not be
used and it will be an expensive weight to hold the carpet down.
2) It has to be sturdy. With that kind of investment it has to
be around a while. There are numerous options for when "colors
change" or the wife gets tired of it. 3) I am not super
particular about color. I just do not want it to show "life", or
be scared to use it because something could get on it.
That is pretty much it! I am not too picky. The only problem is
that it knocks out of bunch of my wife's choices.
My parents just replaced a couch that they had for 30 years. It
had been recovered twice and housed a slipcover that was still
in pretty good shape. It was still a good piece. It was
expensive when they first purchased it. It was heavy and very
sturdy. A great purchase, and it served then well. They took
into account what they needed in a piece of furnature and met
those needs. Now, 30 years later they are in place where that
did not fit their needs. That my friends is money well spent.
There is so much personal taste in the decision of furniture. My
suggestion is selecting a piece that has a classic style, and
will look great 15 to 20 years from now. Will your (or your or
should I say wife's) taste change in that amount of time.
ABSOLUTELY, it will. Just make a choice that will last through
some of those changes.