Flue Season is Here!
Furnace flues and chimneys are often neglected. Many homeowners
presume that the utility company or their fuel supplier is
monitoring them, and don't realise this isn't necessarily true
until something goes wrong. As a result, bird's nests and other
debris sometimes cause soot and gases to drift back into the
house, causing a potentially dangerous situation.
All types of chimneys should have regular, professional
inspection and maintenance. Most chimney sweeps service all
kinds of flues, not just masonry chimneys or those attached to
wood-burning appliances.
The build-up of soot and creosote on flue walls can loosen and
fall over time, aided by moisture in the exhaust gases,
sometimes filling the clean-out cavity and blocking the flue.
Corrosive elements in these gases can affect both metal and
masonry chimneys.
Moisture can enter uncapped chimneys, or through cracked
concrete tops and even through the bricks. Excessive
condensation from gases within can also cause problems. Lower
exhaust temperatures from newer gas furnaces (excepting
high-efficiency models, which typically use plastic exhaust
vents) call for smaller flue sizes (3 to 4 inches) to ensure
water vapours are expelled before they cool and condense inside
the flue. In the past, some furnaces have been vented into
unlined masonry chimneys, which can cause inefficient drafting
and deterioration from water damage. The white deposits which
you may have seen on masonry chimneys are known as
"effluorescence", and are minerals salts left on the surface
after water surfaces and evaporates.
In the interest preservation and safe, efficient operation,
venting selection and installation is extremely important. The
pipe connecting the furnace to the chimney should be as short as
possible, with as few elbows as possible. It is important that
metal chimneys erected on the exterior of houses be insulated,
and of an approved type for outdoor use.
A professional chimney sweep can check your flue for proper
draft, which is often affected by the "tightness" of the house,
especially if recently fitted with newer doors and windows.
Chimneys which are still in reasonably good condition can be
repaired, lined, and water-proofed. Improperly sized, rusted or
otherwise damaged metal flues/liners should be replaced