Finding the Perfect Stone
You're finally off to the stone yard/ showroom to pick out your
stone. But, what exactly are you looking for? How do you know
which stone is a good stone? Here's a short guideline for
finding that perfect stone!
One of the first things you are going to want to do is check the
surface of the stone. Some stones polish smooth while others
have dimples, pitting, or fissures running through them. Run
your hands over the stone and use a flashlight to check the
character of the stone. Being a natural product, fissures and
dimples aren't a bad thing. They are characteristics of the
stone. But, is it a characteristic you like?
Also under good light, check for fractures or deep long lines
and scratches that are running through the stone. These may
weaken the stone or cause it to break. Sometimes fissures can be
cut around. If you have any questions on a particular stone,
call your fabricator and get his opinion.
Look for blemishes in the stone. Strange swirls or large masses
may be an eyesore to you and a selling point to me. Look over
the entire slab and choose a stone based on what is visually
appealing to you.
Your fabricator will have let you know how many slabs you need.
If you need more than one, make sure the slabs have consecutive
numbers. This just tells you that the slabs are from the same
block in the same quarry. Slabs from different areas in the same
quarry can vary dramatically.
Once you choose your stone, you have the slab(s) put on hold.
It's a good idea to have them hold an extra slab or two for you.
Make sure you are VERY CLEAR at the showroom about the slabs you
want held.
You may want to find out how expensive the stone is. Most
showrooms will not give you exact pricing but they will tell you
if it's in the high or low range. The blue stones are absolutely
beautiful and tend to be in the high range. Any uniques also
tend to be priced higher. Bring along your cell phone with your
fabricators number so you can get the price per square foot on a
particular stone.
So, which stone is the best stone? It's simply the stone with
the perfect color, pattern, price, and characteristics for you.