Multimedia Blogging: Don't get left behind!
There are many various multimedia advances happening to the good
old blog. Although the blog is only a few years old, technology
has kept right up there with it. Now, you have the ability to do
a number of fascinating things with it. As the blog owner, this
can mean huge potential dollars in marketing. If you are just a
blog reader, you can now access your favorites online any time
that you feel like it.
There are several areas in which the blog has entered the
multimedia world. Here are some of them to think about.
* Text. Okay, so this isn't anything new. It is the most
commonly thought of type of blogging. Simple writings that are
done on the blog. * Images. This takes it one step ahead. Now,
you can send images to your fellow bloggers, your family or your
friends. * Video. Even better, the blogs can now come packed
with video from your digital camera or the cell phone that is
video enabled. * Podcasts. The latest feature. It allows
individuals to receive the information that they want, when they
want it. Podscasts allow you to receive both audio and video
over the internet.
But, just because you have the ability to use these various
types of blogging, what happens to it? Does it just sit on your
website in the hopes that someone will actually want it? The
good news is that you can now send these multimedia advances to
individuals on their Ipods or their mobile phones. This means
instant notification when you update the blog and instant access
no matter where they are located. In short, it translates into
dollars through marketing.
New advances in blogging are occurring all the time. Stay
connected to your consumers, your fellow bloggers, and your
favorite blogs. The fact that you can do all of this from your
mobile phone; just makes it even better. More than likely,
you'll have something to blog right now.